Photo Gallery

Connie trying out
some new readers at
Barnes and Noble
Disclaimer -- Blogger's photo feature is very difficult to work with, at least for me.

Yours truly
Connie and me almost
30 years ago
Daughter #1,  Rebekah
How can you tell
this just after
the Masters
Connie, back in our courting
days in Germany
Daughter #2,
the Little Sarahs

Making hay while the sun shines
Killing two birds with one stone.
In my office with the little man.
With our friends, the Zoellners at the Boll Weevil Cafe in Augusta

Always working
Sometimes posing
Sometimes just looking like I'm working

Signal Towers on Fort Gordon where I used to work
Stay tuned for more photos!

The Luther Denkmal in Worms, Germany. Our family
was stationed there from 1991-1993. Martin Luther appeared in that city
before a diet of the holy roman empire in 1521.

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