Friday, May 25, 2012

Fred Thompson

Former Tennessee Senator
Fred Thompson
I have "appointed" former Republican senator and famous actor, Fred Thompson as one of my counselors.  In his latest article, he writes about his personal and legal perspective on the trial of disgraced former senator, John Edwards, Democrat from my old state of North Carolina.

My favorite Fred Thompson move role was when he played an Admiral in The Hunt for Red October.

In 2008, Fred Thompson gave a pretty good speech at the Republican National Convention.  It had its corny parts, like all of them, but he let loose with some pretty good zingers.

On his Facebook page, Thompson offers a steady stream of humor.  It's mostly political humor -- which, by the way, is not an oxymoron -- and most of it is actually funny, to me anyways.  A few of my favorites are ...

"During a campaign rally, Vice President Joe Biden said 'imagine where we'd be if the Tea Party hadn't taken control of the House.'
"Sometimes I do. Then I wake up in a cold sweat."

"Three and a half years in, President Obama has held more fundraisers than the previous 5 presidents combined.
"He needed to, because he's added more debt than the previous 43."

 "Greece tightened up on welfare abuse, cutting payments to 200,000 people because they are dead.
"Couldn't happen here. Illinois Democrats would be terrified of losing their votes."

"A new study shows that most Americans who renounce their citizenship do it "for tax reasons."
"Ironic, considering that's why this country was founded in the first place."

There's more at

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