Tuesday, January 10, 2012

John Bunyan

John Bunyan
Today I discovered a pretty decent website about John Bunyan.  The site contains .pdf files of all of Bunyan's works.  With the discovery of this site, and Bunyan being one of my favorites, I've added him to my list of counselors on the right hand side of this blog.

Many know Bunyan as the author of the Pilgrim's Progress.  There has probably never been a better book written that describes true Christianity.  Generations ago, any Christians kept a copy of the Pilgrim's Progress as a companion to their regular Bible reading.

I learned of John Bunyan a long time ago as his name was often mentioned, sometimes in sermons where I attended church, and sometimes by friends who were familiar with Pilgrim's Progress and others of Bunyan's works.

I came to really appreciate Mr. Bunyan by reading a book about the man's blind daughter, Mary Bunyan, by Sally Rochester Ford. Ms Ford tells the whole story about the hardships endured by Bunyan and his family, of Bunyan's being imprisoned in the Bedford Jail for twelve years for the crime of preaching the gospel without a license, and of his family's sufferings at the hand of the government as they ministered to Bunyan's needs while he was in jail.  Parts of the narrative are simply unbelievable not to mention heart breaking.

I recommend to anyone looking for answers to religious questions, but who are suspicious (rightly so) of all the TV evangelists and the "recognized" authorities, to consult Bunyan.  Spend some time with the Pilgrim's Progress and some of his other works.  You will probably find more answers than you imagined possible.

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